I am facing trouble with your website, what should I do?
If you’re having trouble with the website, we’d suggest you try the following:
- You may need to delete your cookies, once you’ve cleared your cookies, close your browser, reopen it and visit our site again. You should be able to use it without any more problems.
- We also suggest that you use the latest version of your operating system provider e.g. Windows, OSX etc.
- If you’re still having problems, please contact at +966 54 931 0249 or email us at customerservice@ruknelhadaya.comwith the below details
- Details of the issue you are facing
- Screen shots of any error messages you get
- Which web browser you’re using (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc.)
- Steps you have taken to resolve the issue so far
How can I unsubscribe from your emails/newsletters?
If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter email from us, then you can simply unsubscribe by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link at the end of the email
I’m having trouble signing into my account, what should I do?
To assist you with the log in process, we suggest you to call Customer Care at +966 54 931 0249 for more efficient assistance.